More about us
Our Vision
Orange Precision Metalcraft will be the cutting edge in engineering excellence for Industry and the Environment.
Our Mission
To produce and supply the best possible service and products to our clients, ensuring that they receive what they want when they want.
Why Choose OPM
Orange Precision Metalcraft supplies quality products and services to meet the growing needs of today’s Industry. With focus on the aspects: Differentiating OPM from the competitor.
- Problem Solving
- Quality Systems and Procedures
- Engaged in all areas of the metal fabrication and engineering industry
- Approachable flexibility
- Well established since 1974
- Highly skilled staff
- Excellent communication and collaboration between OPM and clients
- Valued Team work
- Turnkey Projects
- Ability to undertake Major projects
- Long term relationships with our customers
- Up to date technology
- Extensive Supplier Networks